NICS Calculation using ORCA: Applications to Organic Molecules

Step 1: Setting up ORCA Submission Script on Compute Canada

Create a submission script named sub_orca_5.0.1 as follows:


# Set name of input and number of CPUs per node
# If no ncpus provided, default will be 1
set input=$1
if (null$2 == null) then
  set ncpus=48
  set ncpus=$2

# Set memory
if (null$3 == null) then
  set ngb=32
  set ngb=$3

# Set time limit
if (null$4 == null) then
  set nhour=168
  set nhour=$4

# Set number of nodes for the calculation
if (null$5 == null) then
  set nnode=1
  set nnode=$5

# Get rid of the possible .inp extension
if($input:r.inp == $input) set input=$input:r

set ngb=`echo "scale=0;$ngb*1024 / $ncpus"|bc -l`

echo "running calculations for $input"

# Make the slurm file
set wd=`pwd`
echo "#\!/bin/sh" > $input.slurm
echo "#SBATCH --nodes=$nnode --ntasks-per-node=$ncpus" >> $input.slurm
echo "#SBATCH --mem=""$ngb""G" >> $input.slurm
echo "#SBATCH --time=""$nhour"":00:00" >> $input.slurm
echo "#SBATCH --account=def-account-name" >> $input.slurm
echo "" >> $input.slurm
echo " cd $wd" >> $input.slurm
echo "" >> $input.slurm
echo "module add StdEnv/2020  gcc/10.3.0  openmpi/4.1.1" >> $input.slurm
echo "module add orca/5.0.1" >> $input.slurm
echo "" >> $input.slurm
echo " /cvmfs/ $input.inp > $input.out" >> $input.slurm
sbatch $input.slurm

Step 2: Setting up Your Script Path to .bashrc

Add the following line to your .bashrc file:

export PATH="/path-to-sub_orca_5.0.1/:$PATH"

Step 3: Loading Intel Fortran Compiler - ifort

Check if you have the Intel Fortran compiler and load it:

module spider intel
module spider intel/2023.2.1
module add StdEnv/2023
module add intel/2023.2.1

Then compile the Fortran code:

ifort -o trnrot.x trnrot.f

Step 4: Run Translation Rotation Fortran Code to Orient Molecule

Run the Fortran code as follows:


This will prompt you for details like the total number of atoms, the software (ORCA or Gamess US), and the atom indices of the ring in clockwise order.

Step 5: Creating NICS Input for ORCA

Create a NICS input file for ORCA with the following template:

! RHF NMR wB97X cc-pVTZ AutoAux RIJCOSX UseSym TightSCF
Print[ P_Basis ] 2
Print[ P_MOs ] 1
%maxcore 1024
nprocs 40
* xyz 2 1
[Your geometry goes here]
H: 0.0 0.0  1.0 newgto S 1 1 100000 1 end newauxJKgto S 1 1 200000 1 end
H: 0.0 0.0 -1.0 newgto S 1 1 100000 1 end newauxJKgto S 1 1 200000 1 end

Step 6: Submit ORCA Jobs to Compute Canada Cluster

Submit the ORCA job with the following command:

sub_orca_5.0.1 file_name.inp 32 0 2 1

[32 processors, 0 maximum memory, 2 hours, 1 node]